Thursday, October 31, 2013

Personal Electronic Devices

Good news today for air travelers who can’t wait to finish that last chapter of their e-book or play another round of Candy Crush.

FAA allows airlines to expand use of personal electronic devices - Department of Transportation

Now, expanded use will not happen overnight. But eventually, passengers will be able to read e-books, play games, and watch videos on their devices during all phases of flight, with very limited exceptions.

Check with your airline to see if and when you can use your PED.

While in your bag, they may not be hazardous materials, some hazards which you aren't aware of, may still exist.  Because of this, patience is needed before you jump to take advantage of this new rule change.

Not every airline is ready to deploy the expanded use rules.  Some may be quicker than others to get this up and running.  There is a lot to be done before they can allow you to follow these new guidelines.

Always heed the directions of your flight crews and understand that their directions are for your safety and the safety of others.

While the hazards may not be obvious to you , there is a lot happening in the background by experts to ensure you and the aircraft are safe from those un-seen hazards which exist and are related to the use of these devices.

Please stand by


DG Bill

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